A land and floating installation in the Fort Point Channel, Boston, MA.
FutureSHORELINE is a temporary water and land based art installation that shows the projected flooding for this area of Fort Point due to sea level rise. The different colors and levels visualize expected water levels for the 1% annual chance flood for 2030, 2050 and 2070 based on the latest scientific modeling.* The land portion of the artwork suggests the height of the proposed landform berm, which is part of the climate adaptation planning for this site.
Project by Carolina Aragón with Robert Gilmore, Patrick Bowler, Claudia LaFontaine and UMass Amherst students.
All images by: Matt Conti, video by Hills3 Studio (Chris Rucinski).
View of the land and floating showing the different flood levels for 2030 shown in silver, 2050 in light blue, and 2070 in dark blue.
Floating sculpture showing future 1% annual chance flood levels above mean high water for the Fort Point Channel. The bottom 3 layers represent flooding for 2030, the layer above flooding for 2050, and the top layer flooding for 2070.
Floating installation. being transported on site.
Land sculptures framing the view of the floating sculptures.
*These projections are based on the output of the Massachusetts Coast Flood Risk Model (MC-FRM) for Present Day, 2030, 2050, and 2070 sea level rise and coastal storm simulations. The MC-FRM was developed for MassDOT by the Woods Hole Group with project leadership by UMass Boston. Tidal elevations (MLW & MHW) for Boston from NOAA Tides and Currents based on the 1983-2001 tidal epoch.
Additional information is available HERE.
FORT POINT ARTS COMMUNITY Temporary Public Art in the Fort Point Channel funded by The Fort Point Channel Operations Board & StateStreet Bank
UMASS AMHERST Faculty Research Grant; Social Science and Environment Seed Grant; Institute of Diversity Sciences Seed Grant
FLOOD MODELING: UMass Boston School for the Environment, Woods Hole Group.
DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION: Gilmore Landscape Architecture, Snapdragon Engineering, Patrick Bowler.
SUPPORTERS: City of Boston Environment Department, Boston Planning & Development Agency, Boston Society of Landscape Architects, UMass Boston Sustainable Solutions Lab, Fort Point Neighborhood Association, Riverdale Mills Corporation, University of Massachusetts Amherst - Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Adam Fearing, Katarina Fetros, Tyler Gaudreau, Katie MacCallum, Matt Pilis, Emma Rose, Jessica Schoendorf
Lauren Azuela, Rebecca Bagdigian-Boone, Nina Bernardo, Patrick Burns, Nigel Cummings, Camilla Elizeu, Allyson Fairweather, Winfield Henry, David Hooper, Yuhan Liu, Joyia Smikle, Suzanne Warner,
Ian Sloane, Fernando Sousa, Dan Swartz
Ezra Markowitz, Andrea Mah, Camille Barchers, Elisabeth Hamin Infield, Trisha Andrew, Lauren de la Parra
Kirk Bosma, Valerie Burns, Michael Choudhary, Evan Janes, Kelly Pedersen, Gretchen Rabinkin, Stacy Richardson, Robert Ryan, Philip Tierney, Chris Watson & UMass Amherst Facilities and Campus Services.
FutureSHORELINE TEAM from left to right: Chris Rucinski, Patrick Bowler, Katie MacCallum, Irene Kang, Kyle Leavitt, Carolina Aragón, Dan Swartz, Claudia LaFontaine & Robert Gilmore.